Research & Projects

Past Research

Undergraduate Research with the Center for FearLess Research in Reno, NV

During my undergraduate program, I was fortunate enough to work as a research assistant alongside three other amazing young scientists for the Center for FearLess Research. During our time as research assistants, we investigated and presented individual areas of interest related to psychology and mindfulness during our weekly meetings. We also had the opportunity to analyze data collected during 2020 and present a poster with our findings.


Cornish, R., Doan, T., Schwarz, E., Mummalaneni, M., McDonald, M., Baer, K., & Lancaster, C., Ph.D.(2022, April 27-May 1) Analysis of the relationship between mindful awareness and health anxiety as moderated by intolerance of uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Advancing Diversity, Social Justice, and Sustainability: 102nd Annual Conference of the Western Psychological Association; Portland, OR. 

Creative Work

2D & 3D Graphic Design

I have always considered myself an artist, but during the COVID-19 Pandemic, I really had the opportunity to take on personal and professional art projects. I have completed commissions for t-shirt designs, animations, avatars, and webpage assets. Personal projects have ranged from merchandise such as t-shirts, keychains, bumper stickers, logos, and webpage design assets. 

I was also able to integrate my graphic design into my fellowship with the SAFE Project's Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy, creating educational stickers, posters, and t-shirts for the University of Nevada, Reno's Nevada Recovery and Prevention (NRAP) student group.

Charity & Mutual Aid

Organizing Team Fundraising Events

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, I also developed a virtual community through streaming on Twitch. I coordinated two annual fundraisers that successfully raised thousands of dollars in funds for Take This, an organization addressing mental health in the gaming world. Other smaller fundraisers have included raising funds for a participant in the SMART ride, individual mutual aid needs, and participating in an Apex Tournament benefitting Game On! To End Lupus (GOTEL)